Acquisition video triptych by Inge Reisberman
1 October 2015
As a result of Museum De Lakenhal's invitation to take part in the 2013 exhibition '11 Leiden Artist in De Meelfabriek', visual artist Inge Reisberman made a group of video works in De Meelfabriek (Flour factory) in the period between September 2013 and March 2015. De Meelfabriek's unpolished and photogenic empty spaces, the remarkable architecture and the rich history about labour inspired her to make a video triptych: 3 monumental videos titled 'Upstream', 'Downstream' and 'Floorstream'.
our daily bread
Even though the three videos are autonomous, they form a contemporary triptych: two wall projections and one floor projection. 'Upstream' shows flour damping upwards, 'Downstream' shows a downpour of water and 'Floorstream' shows mildly foaming ferment. Reisberman tells us: 'De Meelfabriek's rich history reminded me of the Biblical 'Give us today our daily bread'. Bread mainly consists of flour, water and ferment. In the empty factory I translated and abstracted this into delayed, slow and merely unadulterated shots with one ingrediënt for bread and seen from one camera angle.
an intense experience
The three short videos (each 4.16 min) play with the concept of time; the images are stretched out, delayed and manipulated. Because of this slow motion our senses are challenged even more, the perception is intensified and the actions (the damping of the flour, the falling of the water and the fermenting) are displayed in a powerful and associative way. The carefully building up accompanied sounds boost the intense experience of the image in a subtle, but present way. The videos take the viewer into a state of utter concentration and are enchanting in their simplicity.
watch the video Upstream watch the video Downstream watch the video Floorstreamabout the artist
Inge Reisberman (Almelo, The Netherlands, 1959) finished the AKI academy (Artez) in Enschede. She lives and works in Leiden. Her work covers the fields of photography, video and video installations. Her videos and photos are charactarized by a balance between abstraction and figuration. Her installations display a balanced relationship between poetry and unprocessedness, between craftmanship and imagination, and make the content and surroundings meet in a sensory way. Her work is represented in multiple national collections.