Femke Herregraven
Imagine yourself as a multinational aiming to dodge as much tax as possible. With the online game Taxodus, you can do just that by making best use of international tax structures in far-away places. Taxodus draws on a vast database that contains numerous international tax agreements and the data of companies and countries. You gain knowledge as you play and your high score is added to the database.
Femke Herregraven (1982, Nijmegen, Netherlands) studies geopolitical and information infrastructures and the global financial sector. She shows how the underlying systems of value are undermined and gives us an insight into the material and geographical consequences. Mediums used in her work include games, videos, print outs, drawings and even entire installations, some of which can be found online. She researches high-frequency trading while simultaneously working on a number of ongoing projects. These include Geographies of Avoidance, which focusses on offshore financial constructions that circumvent national legislations, and The All Infrared Line, on the physical infrastructure of today’s global finance.
Femke Herregraven lives and works in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
website Femke Herregraven