
4 March 2021

Museum De Lakenhal launches open call for (un)known makers

How do you kick the habit off bigger, faster, more? Museum De Lakenhal is calling on creative makers and thinkers from all disciplines to submit their ideas. This is the museum's first open call that leads to a complete exhibition, and in which both professional makers and amateurs can participate. The deadline for submissions is 5 April.

People crave faster, bigger, more. Is that always better, or do problems grow at the same time? From minor stress over lack of storage space on your phone to global pollution;If things grow wrong, growing pains emerge in all sorts and sizes. How can this be done differently? This is the question Museum De Lakenhal is asking in the new exhibition If Things Grow Wrong. The open call leads to a multidisciplinary exhibition starting in September 2021.


The open call is a call for makers and thinkers - from scientist to designer and from local to international - to find a solution to growth addiction that inspires others to action, think or debate. They choose the form in which it is best expressed, whether that be in a work of art, performance, infographic or something completely different. Entries are welcome in up to 2,000 words or a 5-minute video. You can apply until 5 April 2021.

To the application form


Both professionals and amateurs can participate; we look at the quality of the proposal not the background of the submitter. In this way, the museum offers space for new voices, establishes connections between art, science and other disciplines, and between makers, visitors and parties inside and outside the city. A jury selects the most intriguing entries for an introductory meeting. They will then make a final shortlist. The winning participants get to develop their design for the exhibition If Things Grow Wrong. Naturally, they will receive a working budget for this.


The final participants in the exhibition will be chosen by an expert jury, consisting of:

  • Liesbeth Staats, journalist and programme maker
  • Eva Rovers, writer, cultural historian and initiator of the Citizens' Bureau
  • Raki Ap, ex-military, civil servant at the Ministry of the Interior and activist in the climate and anti-racism movement
  • Wytske Visser, coordinator public programme a.i. at Museum De Lakenhal


The result is a multidisciplinary exhibition in October 2021, in which creators and visitors are set thinking about the various forms of growth addiction. And are invited to get creative themselves and find solutions in their own lives. What will eventually be on display in the museum and who the makers are, is still to be seen. For us too!


Want to know more about If Things Grow Wrong? Please contact Harriot Voncken: h.voncken@lakenhal.nl | +31 (0)6 34364191 | lakenhal.nl/ifthingsgrowwrong

Over Museum De Lakenhal

Museum De Lakenhal is the city museum for visual arts, history and applied arts of Leiden. Like the city, we combine a classic look with a contemporary and curious character.