Simryn Gill
Simryn Gill (1959, Singapore) works with diverse media, including drawing, photography, texts and installations. Her works often include ordinary materials and objects taken from her immediate surroundings. These all have their own histories: they once belonged to someone else; they were made for a specific purpose; moved for some reason; lost or simply discarded. By incorporating these objects and materials into her artworks, Gill allows them to interact in new ways and imbues them with a new significance. In doing do, she offers viewers an opportunity to think about time, space and interaction in a different way.
The installation Paper Boats (2008) was exhibited in De Meelfabriek. Copies of the of Encyclopaedia Britannica were stacked on a table and on the floor beside it, and pages torn from these books were to be folded into origami boats. Seafaring vessels are a potent image in our time. The craft made from these comprehensive books of western knowledge offer a fragile motif of conveyance: what is being transported? where did it come from? where is it going?
Simryn Gill lives and works in Sydney, Australia and Port Dickson, Malaysia.